Tax Managed Investing – Strategy #15 Opportunities For Pension Income Splitting If you have a spouse (or common law partner) who is in a lower tax bracket, you and your spouse will be able to elect to have up to 50 per cent of eligible income transferred to the lower income spouse. Eligible income is […]
Tax Managed Investing – Strategy #14 The Pension Income Tax Credit using an Insurance Company GIC If you or your spouse are 65 or older and do not have income from a RRIF or private pension plan there is another alternative to take advantage of, the pension income tax credit. Read More.
Tax Managed Investing – Strategy #13 Alter Ego Trusts: the answer to probate fees? Alter ego and joint partner trusts have been gaining in popularity as a way to avoid probate, but are there alternatives? This strategy looks at alternatives to Alter Ego trusts and the advantages of and disadvantages to both. Read More